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Irrigation is the regular application of water to the crops so that the water supply to the crop will assist it to grow well. Irrigation is mainly useful in areas where there is a shortage of rainfall. The aim of this study is to optimize an IoT-based model for smart irrigation using the drop method. However, the objectives of the study are to; design an IoT-based model for smart irrigation and implement the optimized IoT-based model for smart irrigation. This study achieved its target; an optimized IoT model for smart irrigation using the drip method. The program has made the following functionality: login page wireframe, dashboard wireframe, system user case diagram, actuators page wireframe, sensor page wireframe and application interface design. The model was tested and approved to fulfill its mission and objectives such as designing an IoT-based model for smart irrigation, implementing the optimized IoT-based model for smart irrigation using the drip method with Python programming language, testing and evaluating the performance of the optimized IoT-based model for smart irrigation water using drip method was then deployed to the farm. Also, helps to solve the problem of scarcity of empirical evidences in the area of the study.
In 1960 Schiff published a paper which questioned to what extent the full formalism of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity (GRT) is required in the calculation of three key experimental effects (the gravitational red shift, the deflection of light rays that pass close to the Sun, and the precession of the perihelion of Mercury’s orbit around the Sun), but rather “may be correctly inferred from weaker assumptions that are well established by other experimental evidence.” He noted that the method he employed was not capable of describing the third of the above effects, however. In the present work it will be shown that the latter deficiency has been removed by expanding his scaling procedure to cover the acceleration due to gravity g in Newton’s theory of gravitation, thus further strengthening his argument against the essentiality of GRT. In addition, the scaling procedure has been extended to include other key physical quantities such as energy, momentum and force and even the Universal Gravitation Constant G. The significance of these theoretical developments for the terrestrial experiments of Pound et al., is also discussed.
Original Research Article
Purpose: Widespread concerns have led to calls by industry practitioners and the academic community on the need to involve QS in construction projects. This study therefore explores the measures for enhancing QS involvement in construction projects in Nigeria. The paper also provides insight on issues and sustainable benefits of QS involvement in construction projects. Design/Methodology/Approach: The mixed-method (quantitative and qualitative) research was applied to the study. 70 questionnaires and 15 interviews from QS practicing in Nigeria formed the basis for the data. Mean item score and thematic analysis were used to analyze the data. Findings: The study reveals poor marketing of the profession, political connections, lack of public awareness on QS roles, Government policies, corrupt practices by parties’ involved and conservative attitude as major issues hindering QS involvement. The study also deduces that socio-economically and financially, QS involvement can result in cost control and management, minimization of financial risk, dispute settlement, economic growth and, transparency/accountability. Environmentally, QS involvement can boost material waste management, use of sustainable materials, mitigate environmental risk, and encourage a circular economy in Nigeria. Therefore, the author finds and recommends that government policy regulating QS involvement, professional training for QS proficiency, and research and technological innovations are measures needed to enhance QS involvement in construction projects across Nigeria. Originality: The paper provides industry and policy guidelines towards the enforcement of QS involvement by the Nigerian Government. The sustainable benefits of QS involvement proffered in this study will contribute to re-positioning the profession in Nigeria.
Original Research Article
Intelligent Vehicle Accident Detection System
Ashepor Shidoryin Manuel, Egbuleze Francis Precious, Olagunju Emmanuel Mobolaji, Fatade Oluwayemisi
East African Scholars J Eng Comput Sci; 2024, 7(8): 116-120
141 Downloads | Nov. 30, 2024
Road traffic accidents in Nigeria represent a significant public safety concern, with thousands of lives lost annually. The Intelligent Vehicle Accident Detection System (IVADS) addresses this issue by providing a system that detects accidents automatically and instantly notifies emergency responders with real-time location information. IVADS integrates multiple sensors, GPS, and GSM technologies to achieve accurate accident detection and rapid communication. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the system’s design, implementation, testing results, and potential implications for road safety improvements in Nigeria. This work builds upon existing research on accident detection, using innovative sensor integration and machine learning for precise detection.
Original Research Article
The study is aimed at developing a framework for implementing green building practices in Abuja with the view to create a template for sustainable building practices in Nigeria. The study assessed the potentials in adopting green building practices in Abuja; determined the drivers and barriers to adopting green building management practices; and developed a framework for implementing green building practices in Nigeria building and construction industry. Quantitative research design was adopted while an online survey research technique was conducted using a questionnaire structured on a five-point Likert scale. A total number of 560 questionnaires, comprising 80 questionnaires each were purposively sent to seven selected professional associations in the housing and construction industry in Abuja. A straightforward random technique was applied in selecting and sending online Google linked questionnaire to housing professionals through personal email addresses and social media platforms, such as WhatsApp and Instagram. Only 526 responses were received and analysis was conducted using SPSS statistical software version 24. On the potentials in adopting green building practices in Abuja, the 1st in ranking is Environmental Sustainability where Green building practices reduce the environmental impact of buildings by minimizing waste, conserving energy and water, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions with a mean score of 4.92 while Improved Health and Well-being with a Mean of 4.33 as ranked 1st emerged as the top driver for adopting green building practices. However, the most significant barrier identified is the high upfront costs associated with green building practices with a mean score of 4.49 as ranked 1st. There is a significant potential for the adoption of green building practices in Abuja and a critical need for education and awareness initiatives targeting both developers and consumers to foster a culture of sustainability.
Original Research Article
This study was carried out to investigate the readiness of public higher institutions in Abia to migrate to digital education in the covid-19 pandemic era. Covid-19 pandemic era is simply a period everything and sectors of the economy was paralyzed and all activities were halted. Aimed of this study was to determine the extent to which public higher institutions in Abia to migrate to digital education in the covid-19 pandemic era. This objectives was to examined how accessibility of digital learning, and equal education opportunities. Two research questions were raised and answered for the study. Two research hypotheses were formulated and tested at .05 level of significance. Descriptive survey research design was adopted while structured questionnaire were used for data collection. The population of the study comprises 355 Students in six higher institutions in Abia State for 2022/2023 academic session in all the institution accredited by regulatory body, in Abia State. Specifically, the population consist of 71 students from State University (ABSU) Uturu, 62 students from Michael Okpara University of Agriculture (MOUAU), Umudike, 46 students from Abia State Polytechnic Aba, 53 from National Institutes for Nigerian languages (NINLAN), Abia, 47 students from College of Health and Management Technology, Aba and 76 students from Abia State College of Education Technical Arochkwu. The sample sizes for the higher institution were 116 respondents’ determined using Taro Yamane formula. Stratified random sampling was adopted while simple random sampling was used to selecting respondents from each stratum. Based on this finding, the study therefore, concluded that infrastructural facilities are very important factors that enhance effective migration to digital education in higher institution. The study recommended that, the regulatory body and accreditation panel should ensure the there is adequate facilities for digital education in all department to enhance effective ...
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is an ocular condition that can affect individuals with diabetes mellitus (DM) and may lead to reduced vision or even blindness if not detected on time. Delay in diagnosis and disagreement in interpretation of retinal images by different health experts are some of the challenges that can occur during screening for DR. Deep learning (DL) techniques are currently used for classification of images across various domains including the ophthalmic imaging field. The implementation of this cutting edge technology for detection of DR could lead to improvement of existing eye care services for diabetic individuals. This paper discussed the publicly available datasets of retinal images of diabetic individuals used for training DL models. The efficiency of several convolutional neural networks (CNNs) created for the detection of different classes of DR was also reviewed. Furthermore, the achievements and the challenges faced in the application of DL techniques for the DR detection were discussed. Finally, future works that can be performed in this research area has been suggested.